More than $15 million approved for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is awarding more than $15 million in funding to 32 Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) projects around the state. TAP allocates federal funds to transportation improvement projects that expand travel choice, strengthen the local economy, improve the quality of life and protect the environment. Many TAP projects enhance non-motorized forms of transportation like biking and walking. The Wisconsin projects feature many safe bicycle routes to schools initiatives.
TAP projects are generally funded 80 percent federally, with a 20 percent local match. Individual awards can be found here at the WisDOT website. Federal funds are capped at the award amount listed.
More TAP information can be found on the TAP page at the WisDOT website.
For more information, contact:
Tanya Iverson, WisDOT Multi-Modal program manager
(608) 266-2574, [email protected]