You Can Help Defend Against ATVs – NOW!

Brook Waalen
The Online Survey (https://polkcounty. for Polk County’s comprehensive trail plan is finally available online. We have to crush this survey. That means we send it to everyone we know and every group we can.
This survey is unique. It asks questions such as: “Have you ever used ATV, UTV trails in Polk County?” Since pretty much all of us have tried to walk or bike on the Cattail please check “Yes” and answer those questions. Highlight the many issues you may have experienced on ATV/UTV trails such as trail conflicts, poor maintenance, drinking and riding, etc.
Other issues to highlight:
- The Stower is a model trail that works for everyone.
- Separate incompatible user groups like motors and nonmotors.
- Younger people want more hike/bike trails for their active lifestyles.
- Older people need more hike/bike trails to keep them active and safe.
Question #34. What types of new trails would you like to see in Polk County? Where would you like to see them and why?
Potential Answer: Polk County should construct a parallel bike/hike trail on the Cattail. This would separate incompatible user groups and open the Cattail to more people and make it safer for everyone.
Brook Waalen