In Honor of Our Great Facebook Followers & Likers: Half Off an Annual Subscription!

In Honor of all our Facebook Followers and Likers
Silent Sports Magazine is offering half off the annual subscription price. That’s only $12.48 for a full year of monthly delivery to your home.
Three Easy Ways To Take Advantage
Also, in honor of the amazing son of the outstanding Rebecca and Mike Davis – Jack – who turned 1 year old this August, all you have to do is:
1) Click on this link ⇒, register for a 1-year subscription, and when you get to the Coupon Code, type in the name – Jack – and the price gets reduced by half and the offer is yours. Or . . .
2) Use the QR Code to get you to the same place, order a 1-year subscription, and then type in the coupon code – Jack.
3) Or call Lynn Schoohs at 715-258-4360 and say “Jack” with your 1-year subsciption conversation for the same deal.
Jack is very popular
Your favorite magazine covering non-motorized sports in the upper Midwest, written by and for the people, events, trails, waterways, businesses, chambers, and communities of Silent Sports. And you’ve seen the changes: more pages, stories, expanded number of contributors, and amazing photos. In founder Greg Marr’s tradition, Silent Sports Magazine is back!
Thank you (!!!) for being one of the Silent Sports Magazine Facebook page Likers and Followers, and we hope this shows you our appreciation!
Offer good through Labor Day Weekend . . . or when Jack says otherwise