2025 Noquemanon Ski Marathon – CANCELED!

2025 Event Canceled Due to Low Snow Conditions |
The Noquemanon Ski Marathon’s mission is always to host a high-quality one-of-a-kind experience with both safety and enjoyment at the forefront. These factors are paramount in our decision making as we evaluate our ability to safely host the Noquemanon each year. It is humbling how many sponsors, volunteers and participants support this race each year. As the Race Committee prepared for the 2025 marathon, we paid a great deal of attention to the safety of our volunteers, the safety of our racers, our front-line workers, and the safety of our course options. It was important to the Race Committee that should any of these things come into question we would err on the side of caution to ensure the Noquemanon Ski Marathon’s legacy was one of healthy enjoyment of a sport and trail system we love. The snow we received has unfortunately left us without confidence in our ability to run even a modified distance course safely this year. Although we have received some snow recently, we do not at this time have enough snow, or a quality base, upon which to safely cover rock outcroppings & set consistent classic track for an event of our size that crosses our terrain. Additionally, there is no impactful snow in the extended forecast that would resolve our current trail conditions. For these reasons we have made the very difficult decision to cancel the Noquemanon Ski Marathon for 2025. This includes all Noque events scheduled for 2025 – 50K, 24K, 15-mile snowshoe, 12K, Adaptive, and the Junior Noque. We do intend on deferring registrations to next year and will have additional information on that process in the very near future. We would like to encourage skiers to still come and to experience all the things perhaps you haven’t been able to do in the past. Our ski trials are open and a full weekend of skiing is attainable. Many of our sponsors may still have specials for the weekend that you can take advantage of as well. We will be regrouping our focus to make the 2026 Noquemanon Ski Marathon the event that you all have come to expect it to be. We appreciate your support and we look forward to seeing you on the trail. A complete press release will be forthcoming. |