Michael Koppy With Less than 48 Miles of the Arrowhead 135 Ultra. Record Nears!

Byron Kuster
Koppy was traveling alone but was in good spirits with no complaints other than being tired. He has only slept on a couple of occasions for about 20 minutes each time. His toe with the blister that was treated at Melgeorge and was not bothering him. He was using his hiking poles today.
Michael Koppy was at mile 87 as of 5 p.m. on Tuesday. He has 26 hours to complete the remaining 48 miles of the Arrowhead 135 and claim the title of oldest person to ever complete this event on foot (as opposed to on bicycle or on skis). He has one final Checkpoint to cross 23 miles further up the trail and then another 25 miles to the finish.
The temperature has been in the mid-30s most of the day with a steady, stiff wind from the west. The trail continues to be soft and mushy. Around 5:30pm, the winds calmed a bit, and a heavy, wet snow began to fall. Heavy dark clouds are bringing on nightfall a bit early. Koppy now enters a tunnel of darkness that will last the next 14 hours with nothing but his thoughts and his intense internal motivation to keep him company.
Koppy is participating in this rigorous event in support of “The Y” (YMCA). Please show your support for him by donating and make someone’s day a little brighter! Go to — duluthymca.org/runkoppy