Great Pinery Heritage Waterway – Positively Positive News!
William Bertram, President of Wausau & Marathon County Parks & Recreation Foundation
A water trail worthy of National Recognition in Central Wisconsin
The National Park Service – Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program (NPS-RTCA) supports locally-led conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the United States. NPS-RTCA assists communities and public land managers in developing or restoring parks, conservation areas, rivers, and wildlife habitats, as well as creating outdoor recreation opportunities and programs that engage future generations in the outdoors.
The Great Pinery Heritage WaterwayTM (GPHW), a state designated water trail has been selected by the NPS-RTCA with an assistance grant with the goal of achieving a National Water Trail Designation as one of the premier paddle trails in the Midwest.
Tim White, Executive Director, Visit Wausau, stated, “We are pleased to be a part of helping develop another facet of outdoor recreation in Central Wisconsin. When we make it easier for both residents and visitors to enjoy the natural resources that are so abundant, and do it in a sustainable way, everyone benefits!”
Elina VanNatta, owner of 712 Creative shared, “The Great Pinery Heritage Waterway is one of Central Wisconsin’s hidden gems. We hope that the National Trail designation will bring more attention to the trail, attracting paddlers and outdoor enthusiasts to the area while supporting conservation efforts.”
The NPS-RTCA model pairs their experienced staff of professional planners and designers with our team from the community. Together, our partnership works to achieve a coherent conservation and outdoor recreation vision. Based on the complexity of the project, they will tailor their assistance to meet our needs and help navigate a path to success.
If you would like to find out more about The Great Pinery Heritage Waterway please go to our website at or how the Parks Foundation impacts the quality of life in our community, please go to Wausau & Marathon County Parks & Recreation Foundation, Inc. – Helping preserve our parks for future generations. (
Key funding was provided by the Wausau and Marathon County Parks and Recreation Foundation, B.A. & Esther Greenheck Foundation, the Dwight and Linda Davis Foundation, the Dudley Foundation, the Judd Alexander Foundation, Merrill Community Foundation, the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin, the Dan Storey Foundation and the Wisconsin Department of Tourism along with individual donors and businesses.
If you would like to make a donor to the Great Pinery Heritage Waterway, please contact Michelle Gleason at the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin, 715-845-9555 or on-line at