Friends of the Gandy Dancer on Mother’s Day

With Eased Parks Restrictions, the Friends of the Gandy Dancer Trail Celebrate Mother’s Day
Submitted by William Johnson, Polk County Tourism Council
The Friends of the Gandy Dancer Trail spent a couple hours planting more than 3 dozen pine trees in the Village of Luck, next to the Gandy Dancer State Trail, celebrating Mother’s Day 2020. Over a dozen members of the Friends planted the small pine trees in cooperation with the Village of Luck and Polk County Parks and Trails, on the west side of the Gandy Dancer State Trail, south of 3rd Ave.
The Friends of the Gandy Dancer Trail have been doing trail improvement projects over the past two years and have more coming up. They have sponsored Earth Day trail clean-ups, cleared last year’s storm damage (with volunteers from the Indianhead Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance) and graded the trail earlier this spring.

Socially distanced, members of the Friends of the Gandy Dancer Trail are busy planting pine trees in the Village of Luck, next to the Gandy Dancer State Trail