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COVID Precautions: See below or follow this link.
Registration: Online & by mail only. Online registration closes at 8:00 pm on Saturday, Feb. 5.
Bib pick-up: Saturday, February 5, 2022 – 5:00-7:00PM, Cable Community Center, Cable.
Sunday, February 6, 2022 – 7:30-9:30AM, Cable Community Center.
Technique: Classical technique (diagonal stride and accepted variations) is to be used. Skating in any form is not permitted, including marathon skate, diagonal skate, flying herringbone, etc. Limited skating steps are permitted only when changing lanes or cornering. Technique use will be monitored and anyone observed skating will be disqualified.
Start Times: 10:00AM – Mass Start – 12.5K and 25K; 10:05AM – Cookie Class
Start: Birkie Trail at west end of Powerline near North End Trailhead Finish: North End Cabin
Courses: Start area on Birkie Trail at the west end of the Powerline. Short course finishes after one lap at the North End Cabin. Long course goes to the Cabin and back out and repeats the loop.
Cookie Classic: Starts immediately following the 12.5 & 25 km races. Same start area as 12.5K and 25K. Cookie .5K and 1 K do an out and back loop to the east on the Powerline/Birkie Trail. 2K follows main racecourse, diverts to the Birkie Classic Trail and returns to Powerline. All skiers receive a cookie award. Cookie Classic skiers should not ski toward the North End Cabin on the main racecourse at any time.
Getting to the Start: Ski from the North End Cabin up to the Birkie Trail. Turn left and ski on the Birkie Trail to the Powerline. About 1 km. Or, walk down Randysek Road toward Cable, and then up the hill on the plowed access road.
Cut-off Times: All racers must reach Food Station 2 by 11:30.
Cost: $50 up to and including Saturday, Feb. 5. Youth (under 18): $20 up to and including Saturday, Feb. 6. Cookie Classic: Free.
Clothing Transport: Racers’ warm-ups and clothing will be transported from the Start to the Finish area. You will need to provide your own duffel, backpack or other bag to transport your clothing. A tag will be provided at registration with your bib number to identify your bag.
Aid Stations: 25K race: 8km, 12.6km, 21km, Finish. 12.5 race: 8km, Finish. Water & energy drink.
First Aid: EMT and other first aid personnel will be on the course and sweeping each race. If you need assistance, stop at a food station. All food stations and first aid personnel will have radio contact with race officials at the start area.
Awards: 25K: Overall Male and Female – top three; Age Classes at 5 years, Male and Female, top three. 12.5K: Overall Male and Female- top three; Age Classes at 5 years, Male and Female – top three.
Awards Pick-up: At Rivers Eatery after 12:30pm or as soon as results are official. Casual ceremony – pick up your award at your leisure or immediately following official results if you need to leave. You must pick up your award. Awards will not be mailed.
Racer Premium: First 200 registered racers in 12.5K & 25K receive custom Borah Teamwear ski hat.
Post-Race Food: Complimentary pasta and bread following race at the Rivers Eatery in Cable for all racers & volunteers ($3.00 for guests & family of racers). Other food for purchase. Racers, be sure to bring your food ticket with you.
Random Drawings: Drawings will be conducted in advance and prizes presented to winners at bib pick-up.
Spectator viewing:
Results: Results will be posted at the Finish and online and will be available on
Thanks to our sponsors:
Major Sponsors: Borah Teamwear, Rivers Eatery. Event Sponsors: Hayward Area Memorial Hospital/Water’s Edge, New Moon Ski and Bike Shop, Essentia Health, McKinney Realty, LLC, Redbery Books, United Church of Christ. Associate Sponsors: Cable Chiropractic Clinic, Start Line Inn/Start Line Services. Supporting Sponsors:Brickhouse Café, Coop’s Pizza Parloure, Cresthill Resort, Rondeau’s, Velo Café.
The North End Ski Club is committed to providing a safe and healthy event and following all local and state guidelines. For this year’s North End Classic, we are implementing extra precautions, which will require full cooperation among our participants, volunteers and staff. We ask that you adhere to the following safety measures during your participation. Please be aware that the status of the North End Classic is subject to change at any time. We realize that the COVID-19 pandemic is a dynamic situation and if the status of the event changes, we will notify participants via email as soon as possible.
Race Safety Precautions
Technique: Classic technique (diagonal stride and accepted variations) is to be used. Skating in any form is not permitted, including marathon skate, diagonal skate, flying herringbone, etc. Limited skating steps are permitted only when changing lanes or cornering. Technique use will be monitored and anyone observed skating will be disqualified.
START – Mass Start – 10:00.a.m.
Cookie Classic will start immediately following the adult races.
Start: Birkie Trail at west end of Powerline near North End Trailhead
Finish: North End Cabin
Courses: Start area on Birkie Trail at the west end of the Powerline. Short course finishes after one lap of the North End Trail at the North End Cabin. Long course goes to the Cabin and back out and repeats the loop.
Getting to the Start: Ski from the North End Cabin up to the Birkie Trail. Turn left and ski on the Birkie Trail to the Powerline. About 1 km. Or, walk down Randysek Road toward Cable, and then up the hill on the plowed access road.
Cost: Adult: $45 through Jan. 31; $55 from Feb. 1-March 5. Youth (under 18): $20.
Clothing Transport: You will need to provide your own duffel, backpack or other bag to transport your clothing. A tag will be provided at registration on which you must write your bib number to identify your bag. Racers’ warm-ups and clothing will be transported from the Start to the Finish area and staged by the main entry to the trailhead.
Food Stations: Three stations on course
First Aid: EMT and other first aid personnel will be on the course patrolling each race.
Awards: 25K: Overall Male and Female – top three; Age Classes at 5 years, Male and Female, top three. 12.5K: Overall Male and Female – top three; Age Classes at 5 years, Male and Female – top three.
Awards Presentation: Top 3 overall awards will be presented immediately following the race. Age class award pick-up TBD.
Racer Premium: First 200 registered racers in 12.5K & 25K receive custom Borah Teamwear ski hat.
Post-Race Activities/Food: TBD
To Register click Here!
For further information, contact: [email protected]