Jan. 29th: Town of Hayward’s Silent Sports Family Invitation – & it’s FREE!

Joan Cervenka
The Town of Hayward invites one and all to join your friends and neighbors for the “4th Annual Town of Hayward Family Fun Day.” On Sunday January 29, 2023, from 1 until 4pm, come on out and enjoy the Town of Hayward Recreational Forest.
Need help in finding the BEST sledding hill ever? The Town of Hayward Recreational Forest is located at 16793 W County Hill Road, up and over the hill west, about 1.5 miles, of Greenwood Cemetery.
Planned events include: snowshoeing, cross country skiing, sledding, horse drawn sleigh rides, bonfire, hot chocolate and cookies provided. Bring your sleds, skis, smiles, snowshoes, family, and friends.
This is a FREE event. Everyone is invited. To find out the details watch the “Town of Hayward” Facebook page, or contact Town Hall at 715-634-4123.

If the weather gets iffy or changes need to happen, information will be posted on Town of Hayward Facebook page by January 27, 2023.